World Innompic Games 2020 IG online  

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Russia Innompirsity


Innovative Forms of Virtual Teamwork





Before the pandemic, there existed some guidelines on how to build and manage a virtual team, but they were narrowly focused on processes. Besides there were no playbooks for how to convert a co-located team to 100% virtual quickly.

As a result, most virtual teams underperformed heavily, especially during the transition phase.


The demand for innovative and highly effective forms of virtual teamwork  grew immensely due to the pandemic.

Innompics-style challenge-based team contests can be easily adapted to meet this growing global demand.

From 'What' To 'What' and 'How'

As it is now in virtual Innompic Games, virtual teams will address creative challenges and present their innovative solutions. What's new is that the teams will also describe what effective innovative forms of virtual teamwork they invented on the way to perform remarkably well.

Jury will assess these virtual teamwork innovations to celebrate the winners.

Better Virtual Teamwork Guidebooks

A compendium of innovative forms, effective strategies, and best practices of virtual teamwork will be brought out after the contests for dissemination globally.

Revenue Model

As innovative and effective forms of virtual teamwork are in high demand globally, virtual teamwork contests will attract large Internet audience which, in turn, will create opportunities for earning from Internet ads and engaging large sponsors.





Rating by Jury: 7.9