
Blitz  ●  Innoball  ●  GPS

Contests for Spectators


Duration and Timing






Duration of the 1st Innompic Games: 4 Days


Contests Positive Global Impact for Centuries Ahead About Innompics Guiding Principles Invent a New Product Create a Slogan Innoball Blitz Contests Inventive Thinking Create a Product Name Fun4Biz Contests: New Product Ideas Innoball Process Product Vision Assessments Examples Solving a Global Problem Benefits of Innoball Innompic Games - Contests

Every team is given some time to come out with a creative solution:
Day 1

Blitz Contests
Invent a new product: 3 hours
Create a name for the product: 30 min
Create a product vision: 30 min
Create a slogan: 1 hour
Create weighted guiding principles: 2 hours

Day 2 and 3

Each team plays 2 games: for innovators and for opponents
Each move: 15 min

Day 4
Solve a Global Problem
1st level solution: 2 hours
Anticipating and listing the problems created by the solution: 30 min
2nd level solution for the main spinout problem: 1 hour




