
Blitz  ●  Innoball  ●  GPS

Contests for Spectators


Duration and Timing






Duration of the 1st Innompic Games: 4 Days


Contests Positive Global Impact for Centuries Ahead About Innompics Guiding Principles Invent a New Product Create a Slogan Innoball Blitz Contests Inventive Thinking Create a Product Name Fun4Biz Contests: New Product Ideas Innoball Process Product Vision Assessments Examples Solving a Global Problem Benefits of Innoball Innompic Games - Contests

Every team is given some time to come out with a creative solution:
Day 1

Blitz Contests
Invent a new product: 3 hours
Create a name for the product: 30 min
Create a product vision: 30 min
Create a slogan: 1 hour
Create weighted guiding principles: 2 hours

Day 2 and 3

Each team plays 2 games: for innovators and for opponents
Each move: 10 min

Day 4
Solve a Global Problem
1st level solution: 2 hours
Anticipating and listing the problems created by the solution: 30 min
2nd level solution for the main spinout problem: 1 hour




Innompics as the Most Useful Show Creation Show Advanced Ideation Techniques Show Teams Performing Artists Teams Actators Opportunities for Actators 'Garden' and 'Kitchen' phases of the ideation process Innoball Process Innovation Gurus Kids

