An individual Government wants
to hijack the
VLC Vision , so they plot to get VLC to be delicensed.
They ask Darth Vader to write this message to VLC ; “We
want you to surrender your license to our government offices
within 7 days or I Darth will send my deputy Garfield to
collect the license“. Despite this threat to our vision, our inspired and
creative team of Sherlock Holmes, James
Bond and Harry Porter managed to turn this challenge into a
grand regional opportunity.
Sherlock − Strategist: Picks intelligence on
the plot by Darth and invites Garfield for tea and gives him a letter to
saying; “ James Bond will deliver the Licence to Darth’s
offices.................” Upon receiving the letter, Darth commits suicide
fearing to face James Bond and also exposure of his detrimental plan. |
James Bond: On arrival at the
government offices meets Garfield and the two discuss the issue
of Darth’s plan. On hearing about the death of Darth, James Bond
confronts Garfield who then offers to be the solution and the
two agree to return together to VLC offices. |
Harry Porter: Negotiates for a
settlement which brings Garfield onboard as VLC’s
Innossador to the 16 countries of Southern Africa. |
In the end, VLC Licence gets endorsed as a
Global Licence leading to the successful execution of the vision.