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Team Creativity

Advanced Techniques  ●  Intellectual Teamwork  >>  Assessment  ●  Simulation Games

Vadim Kotelnikov Innompic Games

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Team Creativity Innoball Process Product Vision Innoball Virtuoso Marketing Inventive Thinking Entrepreneurial Strategies Inspire Your Team Spiral Integration of Ideas 'Garden' and 'Kitchen' - 2 phases of team ideation Creative Dissatisfaction Passionate Team e-Coach Fun Incentives Improvements Solutions 2 Creativity Catalysts Systemic Innovation Innovation Kosages Empower Innovation Teams Cross-pollination of Ideas Why? What If? questions 10 Brainstorming Rules Team Creativity - why, what, how



KoRe 10 Tips

for Sparking Creativity in Teams



Draft an inspiring vision of how great the teamwork outcomes can be and ask the team members to contribute their ideas and help you shape a shared vision.  >>>


Nourish love for the consumers of the teamwork outcomes and a shared burning desire to create great things for them.


Establish a creative dissatisfaction attitude and nourish love for change, risk taking and experimentation with new ideas.


Nourish passion for cross-pollinating ideas, brainstorming, synergizing diverse ideas and generating breakthroughs that stimulate growth.  >>>


Throw a challenge and ask the team to come up with creative solutions. Provide guiding principles. Divide the ideation process into two phases – independent ideation (‘Garden’ phase) and integration of individual ideas (‘Kitchen’ phase).


Encourage the team members to challenge assumptions, break rules, think differently, inventively, laterally, and outside the box.


Establish a continuous improvement mindset, encourage all team members to exchange proactively their views on opportunities to do something better.


When necessary, impose constraints on time and resources to make the team members leave their intellectual comfort zones and ‘create under the gun’.


Play entrepreneurial simulation games, such as Innovation Brainball (Innoball), with the most promising ideas in order to spark the next phase of creativity.


Reward idea generation – for both the effort made and the value created.




Idea, Ideation, Innompic Blitz Contests, Vadim Kotelnikov, Svetlana Vasyanina

Innovation Football game fun, Malaysia girls

Денис Котельников, Театр мюзикла, Dennis Kotelnikov, funny performance

Innompic Trainings

Breakthrough Innopreneurial Team



 Vadim Kotelnikov logo icon  KoRe Team Creativity Techniques  Innovation Training 


Garden and Kitchen brainstorming phases advanced ideation technique Innoball author Vadim Kotelnikov

SPIN - advanced brainstorming, spiral integration of ideas, Vadim Kotelnikov

Innompic Contests  >>  Blitz   Innovball  >>  How To Play   Photos    Fun

Advanced Ideation    Creative Problem Solving    KoRe 10 Innovative Thinking Tools



Team Creatiivity Management, Gold Coin Card, Innoball, Innovation Football, Innompic Games

Managing Team Creativity with Gold Coin Cards

This quick idea evaluation exercise is to be used when an innovation team generated a number of ideas and wants to focus on the most promising.

It works very well during a two-phase 'Garden' and 'Kitchen' ideation process of the Innovation Football (Innoball) game when an innovation team is given a challenge and just few minutes to come out with a great creative solution... More


Intellectual Teamwork

WOW Awards    Weighted Guiding Principles