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Russia FinUni
Members of the Russia FinUni Innompic team 2020 are students / researchers at the Financial University, Moscow, Russia
Russia FinUni Team Members and their Messages to the World
Artemi Babanin
Darya Rau
Leyli Annageldyeva
Valeria Gvozdeva
Anton Antonyan
First Impression 30-second video by Russia FinUni team
We came to this world to give it something.
If you want to make the world better, start with yourself.
Forget all the reasons it won’t work and believe the one reason that it will.
All starts with a dream, goal and activity. The main thing is to go forward and never stop.
Do not be afraid to unite, because this is the only way we can really change the world.
30-seconds 'First Impression' videos by the members of the Russia FinUni team members
Award Certificate
FIRST IMPRESSION (Integrated Diversities)
Qai selected Darya Rau for his team that is to attract 1 Billion people to World Innompic Games 2025