World Innompic Games 2020 IG online  

Contests    Team Leader  ←  Finals

Michael Zelin, USA, teacher, Innompic Games, Jury, ideator

Michael Zelin

Integrating Innompic Jewels



Noble Goal

Attract 1 Billion Internet spectators
to online World Innompic Games 2025





Real Fantastic Innompics Team



Peter Chikumba

Zimbabwe team

Peter Chikumba, Zimbabwe, best African leadership trainer and team mentor

Peter Chikumba is wise man combining life experiences with passion for innovation to build a better World.



Dennis Kotelnikov

Денис Котельников, Россия, Denis Kotelnikov, Russia, Инномпийские игры, Innompic Games

Dennis Kotelnikov is super-creative talented persons with a beaming charisma. He loves to create innovative value for people.




Malaysia Innompic Games

Farah Jazlina Binti Mohd Haidel, Malaysia, Solo Contestant | virtual World Innompic Games 2020

Farah Jazlina is a super-star of creative videos. She wins people over with just her charming smile.







Innompic Games is one of the most valuable undiscovered jewels (better say, the chest of jewels) of the world! The challenge is − to open this treasure chest - open eyes of people in different countries on amazing benefits of Innompics: awakening creativity and spirit of innovation in individuals around the world to build the planet of loving inventors.







Following the Game plan, all members of the Real Fantastic Innompics Team went on their missions to build the Innompics Portal to engage 1 billion people in IG-2025. Luckily, they could use current examples, including IG-2020 entries on and InnomipcsUSA platforms.

As the first step, Peter S. Chikumba went to establish contacts with leaders of innovation in Africa, Farah Jazlina in Asia, and Dennis Kotelnkov in Europe targeting the rest of the world at the next step.

They are still on their missions impossible – for Hollywood heroes, but not for the Real Fantastic Innompics Team! All of them work really hard leading by example – won various IG-2020 contests! Solutions they proposed can inspire many people around the globe. Now, they are combining their talents to come up with a treasure of wisdom and viral creative videos capturing the glorious moments of past and future plans of Innompics, including performing the Innompics Anthem at the Eurovision contest.





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