Intellectual Game for Mike Zelin

Joke Gift intellectual game Don't look at me by Kesniya Kotelnikova Russia for Mike Zelin USA

Since 1st World Innompic Games 2017, Mike Zelin has been advocating gamification and fun in education. In these World IG 2020, in the 'Futures Thinking' contest, Mike forecasts that education in 2030 will be online and fun.

My joke gift − the intellectual game 'Don't Look at Me' − will help Mike to turn his forecast to reality.

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Opportunity Magnet for Laura Pamela Tigere

Laura's message to the World is, 'When desire meets opportunities it will only lead to success.'

My joke gift for Laura is Innompic Magnet for Discovering Opportunities: Open Mind + Open Eyes + Open Mouth.

Open Mind makes you ready to discover opportunities any time. Open Eyes help you spot opportunities. Open Mouth is a tool to discuss opportunities with others

Opportunity Magnet - how to discover opportunities Open Mind, Open Eyes, Open Mouth, Joke Gift by Kseniya Kotelnikova Russia

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