World Innompic Games 2020


Entrepreneurial Creativity Contests

Conducted online  ▪  July-October 2020


Innompic Games: People






Pandemic 2020: 3 Why? 2 What-If?

Select a problem area. Ask 'Why?' 3 times to find a root problem. Suggest 2 'What If?' ideas for solving the root problem





Synergy Master

Pandemic 2020: 3 Synergised Inventions

Select a problem area. Invent 3 creative solutions and synergise them.



Witty Innovator


Invent a funny award for each of any 3 participants of IG 2020




Creative Challenge #1

Invent a Metaphoric Model for
Entrepreneurial Success A-to-Z / 360

=> Download the chalenge description and examples




Miss Innovation World 2020 & Mister Innovation World 2020



Social Entrepreneur Defined

Social entrepreneur is an an individual who works to achieve community or social benefits, not just a profit motive. >>>


I think this is the most exciting way to start.

Participants are to create and tell a success story of an innovative social entrepreneur.
The story should contain 3 rounds "challenge - creative solution".



Sample Success Story

See 'INNOTEUS Success Story'
of an innovative entrepreneur
presented by Dennis Kotelnikov
at 3rd World Innompic Games 2019.



A story is to be recorded as video, duration 1 minute.

Metaphoric Model of Entrepreneurial Success

Some students may wish to start with addressing this creative challenge.Downloadable description is available at this page: 
Participation Options: Individual and Teams
Your students may participate as a team or as individuals, or both.For instance, you have 6 students: ABCDEFThe may form a team called, for instance, Zimbabwe VLC.Additionally, some of these students, say A, C, and F, or some other of your students wish to participate individually in the contests open for both teams and individuals, such as "Metaphoric Model of Entrepreneurial Success"
Please let me know your and your students' preferences.

We reanimate the parked fun4biz platform for entrepreneurial creativity contests that has been beta-tested successfully some years ago.