1st Innompic Games
Introduction to Malaysia - UniKL Varsity
In conjunction with the Malaysia Rural Entrepreneur
Carnival held at PWTC KL during 19th – 20th Oct 2017
UNIKL the 2nd IG host conducted the 1st Innompic
Games introduction workshop in Kuala Lumpur
Malaysia. About 300 students & officers from various
UNIKL disciplines attended the half day program.
The program started by the Malaysia Coordinator @
2nd IG committee chairman, Mr. Othman Haj Ismail,
sharing session by the award winners and mini
innompic games organized by the IG1 ambassadors.
According to Mr. Othman the Innompic Games started
at the international conference on "Creation of
Global Virtual Venture Value" held in 2010 in
Ulyanovsk city, Russia.
During 2010-2017, Innoball trainings, both open and
corporate, have been conducted in various countries.
The Innonmpic games is the 360 of Innovation
methodology, it is like the cradle to grave concept.
The current traditional entrepreneurial education
needed some new unleashing. New Entrepreneurial
education is now moving towards to a gaming
methodology. The innompic games is not only for new
product creations but it also good for transforming
a dying or tail end of a products Also, It not only
teaches entrepreneurial skills but also skill &
values of a top manager. The Innompic games covers
from inventiveness, direction setting, product
guideline, commercialization strategy and sustaining
thru its 10 kore Tools.
4 teams comprises of UNIKL students compete in the
mini innompics games. The team was guide by the IG
ambassadors on the games flows and tips in creating
solution, challenging and anticipation. The 2 big
challenges they need to solve is;
1. How to promote innompic games thruout Asia
2. E platform for new product development.
Besides learning the flows of the innompic games,
the 300 students / actators also exposed to the
judging method, Q & A engagement between judges and
the audiences.
Prizes were given by the organizers UNKL –
Teknoputra Division, to the team winners as well as
to Mr. Innovation & Mrs. Innovation of UNIKL.
“I was impressed with the new things happen in front
of me”,
“I was a shy person, but after playing the
simulation game, I became more confident with
“We generation Y & Z don’t like to challenge our
mind to go far, but with “The innompic games
It really challenges us to think out of the box”
That was the interviewed session between UNIKL
student and the IG1 team, on “What can you learn
from the Innompic Games”
Quoting from the Prime Malaysia of Malaysia speeches
during the opening of the KUD Carnival day, “We need
to be more creative & innovative, technology base,
digitalization and global player”.
Another important message, I would like to share is
“Within 2 – 3 years’ time, it’s going to be another
4.0 industry” said D.G of Malaysian Productivity
The innompic games mission & vision is to unlock
country creativity and innovation and what PM of
Malaysia, is saying, is all included in the innompic
Last but not least, before going to the “INNOVATION
TRANSFORMATION”, involve us as part of your
strategic partner to achieve your journey.
Those who wish to learn about innompic games do not
hesitate to contact the Malaysian Coordinator – Mr.
Othman Ismail. |