The kid
should be prepared to answer an important question but shouldn't
know what you're going to ask him or her.
Yet, you may
the kid just before asking the question to achieve his or her
greater emotional reaction. For instance, you could say, 'Do
you know that you are a HERO? You'll be able to demonstrate how
great a hero you are RIGHT NOW!'
You may also change the wording of
the question to adapt it to the kid's character,
the core
message should be the
You give the kid the Creator's
power to improve one thing in the World
‒ whatever he or she thinks is most needed to be improved.
record the kid while he
is listening, thinking and presenting his or her solution.
You may conduct the interview in
any language
‒ just send us the text in English.
And don't
forget to ensure good quality of light and voice.