* The idea of creating a 'Dumb Team' was
suggested by Dennis Kotelnikov
Why Fun Teams
Innompic teams are
ideating, Innompic Fun Teams
'Fun4Biz' and
'Smart is Dumb' entertain
amaze the global audience by their
wittiness and
Being really good at
smart & fast thinking, these teams improvise instantly and
create a performance that has business sense and is relevant to
the idea or challenge just announced.
‘Smart is Dumb’ Team*
Business Sense
Socrates pretended ignorance in order to encourage others to
express their views fully. Today, many world's smartest and
fastest businesspeople often play dumb. They ask the other party
to explain things more than once, ask lots of questions in order
to get better prepared to respond and then make a fast decision.
What 'Smart is Dumb' Team Could To
Pretend to be dumb, ask clarifying
and provocative, yet wise questions in a funny way. Play funny
looking ‘What If?’ scenarios. Sing funny silly songs, perform
(act, dance, …) in a smart-is-dumb way.
‘Fun4Biz’ Team
Generate funny, yet interesting
business ideas, discuss funny, yet promising applications, make
funny comments,