Laxmi Bhatta, Nepal, KUSOM team, Innompic Games

Message to the World

A small step today can change the future of the world.



Innompic Games

Innompic Games believe in the concept of all winners, its not about finding one winner its about finding cooperation and collaboration.




Today world is suffering from many problem but each problem has multiple opportunities hidden in them. World needs empathy, cooperation, innovation and collaboration. Innompics promote these.



Laxmi Bhatta, Nepal, KUSOM team, Innompic Games

Innompics stands for encouraging participants to contribute their parts in making the world a better place.  




Innompics is about knowing people, their problems and finding out solutions.

Innompic Games helped me to get out of my comfort zone. I gave multiple presentations with a pounding heart but after each presentation I felt an increase in my confidence level.

  Neapl KUSOM Team World Innompic Games 2019 India finals creation show


Laxmi Bhatta, Nepal, KUSOM team, Innompic Games

Innompic Games helped me to get out of my comfort zone and increase in my confidence level.




My experience about innompics: Innompics helped me to get out of my comfort zone. I gave multiple presentations with a pounding heart but after each presentation I felt an increase in my confidence level. And this helped me to play the role of Narrator during the musical Startup.

  KUSOM Nepal team makes presentation World Innompic Games 2019




 World Innompic Games 2019

Laxmi Bhatta acted as a Narrator in sMusical-Inn 'Startup 'Romeo & Juliet''




Team introduction video
team 2020



Laxmi Bhatta, Nepal, KUSOM team, Innompic Games

My dream job is to create a Nepali hand crafted brand.




My Dream Job

Social Entrepreneur

I dream to create jobs not just for me but for others. I dream do enough to have the liberty to stay in my own land and earn a decent living. The way to achieve this is through Entrepreneurship. I aim to create a venture that is made in Nepal for the people of Nepal.

  Dream Job essay award certificate Social Entrepreneur, Laxmi Bhatta, Nepal


Laxmi Bhatta, Nepal, KUSOM team, Innompic Games

I aim to combine my love for art and my desire to help society and create a brand that resonates with Nepali culture,.
