Innompic Games



Helping participants and spectator learn, grow and create innovations


Learning 20-60-20

Creation Show

Duration & Timing


Benefits of Innompic Games

Every challenge-based Innompic contest is an opportunity to hone your outside-the-box thinking and ideation skills, creativity, inventiveness, entrepreneurial flexibility, and − most importantly − value innovation capabilities.






Team-based and Individual Contests

The list of Innompic Awards illustrates best the nature of Innompic all-win contests.

Innompic Games is a challenge-based show-like entrepreneurial creation and innovation A to Z / 360

  Awards Innompic Contests Miss and Mister Innovation World Brilliant Ideas Best Innovator Best Inovation Team Innompic-style Venture Presentation Business Design First Impression Design Thinking Individual Contests Team-based Contests Innompic Games: Awards

All-Win Games



Constructive competition and joyful creation activities
speed up mutual learning and nourish friendship.





Surprise Challenges


Individuals and teams may know the challenge to address well in advance, yet they may be given a surprise challenge at a short notice.

A surprise challenge may say which KoRe Innovative Thinking Tools (10 KITT) the contestants are to use to develop and present their solutions.




Contests A to Z Innovation 360 Milestone Chart Invent a New Product Create a Slogan Innoball Weighted Guiding Principles Inventive Thinking Create a Product Name Big Challenge Innoball Process Product Vision High-Growth Startup Examples Enhance the Business Model Benefits of Innoball Story Product Presentation Value Mantra Attractive Headline Business Design Team Contests Innompic Games - Contests  

Startup A to Z / 360

For a Big Challenge,
invent an innovative solution and build a high-growth venture around it

Innompic contests help progress and evaluate innovations from conception of a new product idea through to new venture success. It is constructive, not destructive competition.