1st Innompic Games, 17-18 September 2017, Pune, India, Indian logo

The First Step

towards turning the Earth to
the Planet of Loving Creators


To break the ice and
boost enthusiasm globally!



Global Coordinator

Vadim Kotelnikov, Founder of Innompic Games  

Vadim Kotelnikov logo icon Vadim Kotelnikov

Vadim Kotelnikov on LinkedIn

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Innovation Guru



 Dennis KotelnikovVadim KotelnikovRajendra JagdaleDennis KotelnikovSong "I Have a Difference To Make!"Innompic Games - a civilizational breakthroughVadim Kotelnikov websiteInnompic CrewKsenia KotelnikovaIrina KotelnikovaChange the world quotes, Vadim Kotelnikov, Rajendra Jagdale, Ksenia Kotelnikova Irina, Dennis KotelnikovVadim Kotelnikov, Ksenia Kotelnikova song I Have a Difference To Make! 1st Innompic Games 2017 India


Innompic Gesture Vadim Kotelnikov Ksenia Kotelnikova funny glasses

Vadim Kotelnikov, 1st Innompic Games, training  Vadim Kotelnikov, Innompic Gesture - hand creating and hand giving with love, 1st Innompic Games  Vadim Kotelnikov, KoRe 10 Innovative Thinking Tools Balloon Brood, 1st Innompic Games training



 Like most People, People and People!

1. People: teams

2. People: organizers

3. People:  adopters >>> IPLC



 What I Learned during the 1st Innompic Games

 На 1-х Инномпийских играх я научился тому, что:
• Just-built teams of young creative people are capable to develop interesting innovative solutions to challenging global problems within a matter of hours.
• Small things can make BIG difference. For instance, the Innompic Gesture and the song “I Have a Difference To Make!” are small, but BIG things that made a big difference. They made the entire event more inspiring, joyful and collaborative.
Fun and Joy are great accelerators of innovation, learning, constructive competition and cross-cultural ties.
• Not just the nature of the Innompic contests, but the process of team performance, assessment criteria used by judges, and  use of gold coin cards for selection of best ideas and nominees for awards by a team need to be given more attention during Innompic trainings.

  • If an expert meetings suggests to make a big change just before an event starts, either reject it or make sure that all the details are taken care of. To illustrate, the jury meeting held on the eve of the 1st Innompic Games suggested to make a big change in the Innovation Football game. It was proposed that all the four teams play with the same invention instead of two pairs of teams playing two parallel games. A new assessment worksheet for judges was quickly drafted by an Organizing Committee member in response to this proposal. I accepted the big change, but didn't analyze the newly developed assessment worksheet deeply enough, unfortunately. The new assessment worksheet proved to be somewhat confusing for the judges. Calculation of the total score has also become much more complicated and took much longer.  
    • Если смотреть на проблему с разных точек зрения, можно с разных сторон увидеть не только проблему, но и себя тоже.
    • A networking dinner with no sitting arrangement makes socializing easier and unites participants better
    • Когда делаешь видео запись поющих людей, ни в коем случае нельзя подпевать самому - на записи это звучит ужасно!





Vadim Kotelninkov, Founder, Innompic Games interview: 'The Games are an accelerated way of learning', Hindustan Tines, India

From Vadim Kotelnikov logo icon interview to Hindustan Times at 1st Innompic Games

"Innompic Games aim to unlock the potential of people and encourage them towards innovation and helping people globally. These are not merely Games, but can be looked at as an accelerated way of learning."  >>>



 Selfies with Participants of the 1st Innompic Games


Vadim Kotelnikov selfie 1st Innompic Games Russia team, India, Magomed Gamzatov, Ksenia Kotelnikova, Masha Kalyanova, Nikita Fedichkin