Only about 1% of people are
enthusiasts who are eagerly interested in what is coming
next. Most people are those whose thoughts and bonuses are
tied to short-term results. Think through their concerns and
offer a portfolio of both longer-term high-risk-high-value
solutions and quick wins.
Start your presentation in an unorthodox way, share something
extraordinary, tell an eye-opening story.
Communicate with
pictures to increase your influence over your audience.
Some Keys to Successful Storytelling
● Create a sense of urgency.
Start with something like, “Disrupt or be disrupted”.
● Synergize benefits for
targeted users and the business. Weave these two threads
together in a way that excites, educates and
demonstrates a great opportunity.
● Keep your presentations
simple – a too complicated product description will not
capture imagination of your prospective customers. Use a
familiar language and human-centric approach to reframe
their perspectives of the market.
Believe in the importance of your subject
be passionate about it!
A story “Innompic
Games is THE SOLUTION” helped to sell this
civilizational breakthrough to the global audience. The
story describes how Innompic Games provide
breakthrough solutions to 7 major global challenges.
Steve Jobs, founder of
Apple, transformed product launches into an art form by
following his three simple presentation principles “Ignite,
Involve, and Entertain” he used to create a deliver a
narrative story. Steve Jobs describe a problem people
experience with the current product choices to allow the
audience to see Apple as a hero and a new Apple’s product as
a great solution to their problem... More