Annual Innovation
In a corporate environment, innovation
challenges help:
Build a culture of innovation;
Reach employees in an inspiring,
meaningful, thought-provoking and engaging way;
Search for ideas to solve pressing
problems or to explore emerging opportunities.
Similarly, a global innovation
challenge is an effective way to inject energy into the process of
idea generation,
development model innovation and inspired
of advanced innovation practices worldwide.
teams and the crew lead
innovation by example. They show that innovation is a very exciting,
interesting, stretching and rewarding value creation process. It
intellectual teamwork and
creativity. It is also a great
Spectators learn innovation by both
watching and doing. They watch how great innovation teams invent new
value and turn their invention into a successful enterprise.
Spectators may also participate in various entrepreneurial
creativity contests and win great rewards.
Innovation Boosters
Free e-Coach for
disruptive innopreneurs provides both inspiration and guidance to
its global audience.
expositions of
amazing creations by Innompians, creation processes and
Messages to the World
fuel the spirit of mutual learning collaboration, innovation.
Winning in entrepreneurial creativity
contests requires relentless practice, which turns innovation into a
habit. |