Innompic Games

Changing the World



Invitation Letters

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Global Public-Private Partnership (PPP)

Intellectual Innompic Games are a civilizational breakthrough
that cannot wait any longer. 

Initially, Innompic Games were a purely entrepreneurial initiative because big breakthroughs are usually created by small entrepreneurial teams.

Yet, after several vision-mates from governmental organizations of various countries expressed their interest to become co-founders of
the Innompic Games, we decided to launch the venture as
public-private partnership (PPP).


1st Innompic Web Games, Innompics, I Olympic Internet-Games, Evolution of Olympic Games

Benefits for Partners

Benefits for the Soul

  • Creating a civilizational breakthrough that makes the people's life on Earth more exciting and rewarding

  • Creating next-wave opportunities for millions of people throughout the World  >>>

  • Uniting innovators around the World and creating an inspirational learning platform for innopreneurs

Benefits for the Business

  • Stronger brand and higher brand equity

  • Easier to acquire customers and find partners

  • Higher employee motivation, innovativeness, performance, and loyalty



Partner Organization


Value created

Contact Person

Russian Trust Bank


Small and beautiful bank helps clients earn very high interest rates

Alexey Fedorov

STP Pune


Incubates startus, helps to formulate and implement the "Startup India" program

Rajendra Jagdale



Facilitates business of Australian and Nea Zealand companies in Taiwan

Dean Prebble



Free fundraising / viral marketing site for Internet/mobile applications

Ann Shin



International Business Consortium Inc. is a global private equity group

Firoz Shroff


 Innompics - Olymnpics for Innovators


Innossadors Vitaly Geyman Vitaly Geyman Shivaram Malavalli About Innompics Shivaram Malavalli Innompics Innossadors - Goodwill Ambassodrs messages - Elena Ermachkova, Vitaly Geyman, Shivaram Malavalli   Innossadors Firoz Shroff Vitaly Geyman Shivaram Malavalli About Innompics Innompics Innossadors - Goodwill Ambassodrs messages - Arindam Dutta, Arsen Sargsyan, Dean Prebble



Let's create history together!


You are a part of a history-making new wave of Olympic games:
Web-Olympics for Innovators!

Your grandkids will read about you in their textbooks because you were among the pioneers who changed the World and made the 1st Innompics a reality!

Innompic Games - intellectual Olympics for Innpvators



Would you like to become a Strategic Partner / Co-Founder / Sponsor ?

contact us

