Stand out from the competition!


In a crowded and busy marketplace not standing out means being unnoticed by your prospective customers.

Be creative! Traditional marketing approaches don't work when new market niches for radically innovative products are created. You must be both remarkable and desirable. Strive to amaze your prospects and make them fall in love with you, your firm and your great product.

Virtuoso Marketing




How To Market an Innovative Event

Stand out from both direct and indirect competition

Focus on enthusiasts and visionaries

Seduce influencers

Talk about what they'll miss by not coming


  How To Market an Event, Vadim Kotelnikov, Othman Ismail, 2nd Innompic Games 2018, What's Next, WNSA Siingapore Airshow, #EventMarketing





Innovative Marketing

You must be creative if you want to create customers for an innovative product or service.

Traditional marketing techniques can deliver average results, but creative, yet empathetic, "out of the box" strategies can produce wonders. They can help you stand our from the crowd of competitors, get notices by prospective customers, and win them over.


Creative Marketing

Haw to Market and Sell a Radically Innovative Product

Sell Creatively

Content Marketing

Attractive Headlines








Just creating an innovative value and design is not enough. You must also know how to market and sell innovations, especially radical innovations. Synergize various virtuoso marketing approaches. Invent creative marketing actions to arouse curiosity and amaze your customers. Use empathetic marketing to engage your customers on deeper emotional levels.

Create an Outstanding Value Proposition

Do you want to win customers over? If yes, you must outperform your both direct and indirect competitors.


Competition is all about value – how you both create and offer it to your prospective customers.

Your value proposition must be unique, well differentiated, and emphasize advantages over competition.

It must inspire dreams and offer great emotional benefits.

Virtuoso Marketing - best marketing strategies - differentiated, creative, synergistic marketing




Build Synergies

The traditional arithmetics '1+1+1=3' is for followers. Disruptive innovators and market leaders create synergies where 1+1+1=111.

Synergize diverse marketing strategies and techniques such as credibility, emotional, experiential, relationship, empathetic, buzz, content, and social media marketing. Synergize dreams and real-life breakthroughs. Cultivate opinion leaders and help them to spread information about your breakthrough product or service to others in their communities.



Creative Marketing - stand out from the competition