1st Innompic Games, 17-18 September 2017, Pune, India, Indian logo

Civilizational Breakthrough

It is not a 'Blue Ocean',
it is a 'BLUE PLANET' strategic event!


Big Challenge 2


3rd Internet-powered Innompic Games 2019 engage
1 BILLION people



Focus of Value Creation

It is not an IT challenge, though you may address the IT part of it if you wish to. This is primarily people-oriented challenge. It is about how 3rd Innompic Games could create such a great value for diverse groups of people around the World and market this value so creatively and skillfully that 1 billion people watch 3rd Innompic Games and engage in various contests and activities.

Planet of Loving Creators - Vision of Innompic Games, Innompics

Intellectual Innompic Games will gradually become
more popular than Olympics
because Innompics:


  are more in sync with the modern innovation-driven economy  >>>

  inspire and teach creativity, innovation, and entrepreneurship  >>>

  involve Internet-spectators in various creativity contests  >>>