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Innovation Gurus (InnoGurus)
Leaders, Jury Members, Award Winners and Associates of Innompic Games
Articles by InnoGurus
INNOBALL (Innovation Brainball) simulation game
Harmonious Mega-Innovation
Vadim Kotelnikov Founder
Innovating Innovation
Thomas Ruddy
Accelerate Your Start-up Game
Business Incubator: Creating a Wonderful Tenant Experience
Manisha Acharya
Value Innovator ▪ Change Leader
Personal Brand
JD Meier
(Sustainable) Scoring Platform for Employing Institutions
Mirjam Gawellek
Startups Should Focus on Intangible Assets
Dean Prebble
Create Proactively, Add Creativity To Your Sales Efforts
Develop a Culture for Innovation
Costas Konis
Digitalisation and Innovation
Karl Teille
Metaphoric Model of Entrepreneurial Success Kite
Kseniya Kotelnikova
Metaphoric Model of Entrepreneurial Success Musical
Dennis Kotelnikov
Startup Founding Team
Thomas Hong