by Teams (Collective and Individual) Idea Evaluation Skills of a
Team Leader Ideas by Spectators
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Entrepreneurial Strategist
Intellectual Teamwork
Team Creativity (team video, inventions,
innovative strategies, stretching challenges, creative solutions)
Synergizing Ideas
Evaluation and Selection of Ideas
Creative Problem Solving
Inventing a new product that solves a
given problem
Creative problem solving during Innoball
Creative solution to a pressing global
Discovering opportunities in problems
Creative Marketing
Marks given by
WOWs and marks
given by
valuenteers are not added to the formal score but they:
Make Innompic Games a greater
May influence
judges' decisions when they select a nominee for a big WOW after a
contest or the Games.
Help assess and shortlist contributions by
Help evaluate the assessment skills of the
valuenteers themselves and those of the judges. Valuenteers with the
best assessment skills may be invited to serve a judges at the next
Innompic Games.
During the Innompic Torch Relay, Judges and Valuenteers assess each message
to the World simultaneously.
The author of the best message is rewarded.
Assessment skills of each valuenteer are
pre-evaluated before the Games begin
Valuenteers (volunteers of Innompics)
pre-assess ideas submitted by actators (active internet spectators)
Each actator's idea is evaluated independently
by 3 valuenteers.
An actator's idea that was given an
above-the-threshold mark by at least two valuenteers is passed further for
final evaluation by the judges.
Idea evaluation skills of a Valuenteer are
assessed by comparing the marks
End-user opinion is not counted in
evaluation of contestsnts' ideas >>
Internet-spectators will be provided with an opportunity to give
marks to contestants' ideas. For an average spectators' mark to
be counted, at least 1,000 spectators should evaluate an idea.
In case the spectators' and the judges' mark of an idea differ
too sharply, a third-party evaluation will be made that will
have an impact on evaluation of both the idea and the judges.
Special prizes will be given to the public-opinion winners.